WAEES has developed a sample farm model designed to emulate the conditions of farming in any of the 48 contiguous states with the United States. The model can simulate net farm income and its supporting components, cash flow, and real net worth for virtually any type of farming operation from 1981 through 2025. The methodology is being extended to other regions of the world.
Case study analysis is often conducted to evaluate specific farm level impacts of a particular change. Our clients use case study analysis to help them understand the implications of policies, technologies, etc. at the farm level. This enables the decision maker to visualize whether the impacts are large or small at the farm and this type of analysis can provide clues on the successfulness of adopting a new technology.
Case study analysis is sometimes used to look at the financial wellbeing of a particular agricultural sector such as corn producers versus hog producers. It is also used to look at the overall financial viability of a particular farming operation.